This year Hemp Fest was supposed to be different, however. The big push by organizers was to promote Industrial hemp, or cannabis used for non-drug purposes such as paper or biodiesel fuel. And Im sure they would have accomplished a ton of stuff, except apparently everyone was somewhat distracted.
I have a feeling that anything being promoted, encouraged, introduced, or that was otherwise non-smoke-able, went up in a puff, by people far more concerned with alleviating their munchies. I would equate this with trying to stop drunk driving by giving tours of a brewery with free samples in convent to-go cups. Or better yet, trying to stop overeating at an all you can eat lunch buffet. Im sure this guy
was eager to sit down and discuss legislative initiatives on reformation of marijuana control, we just caught him at a bad time.
Anyway, like at any huge festival, Im sure the attendees were from all walks of life. Now, you would think, people waking around this festival would take notice of the older generations also in attendance, but in case they didn’t allow me to show you what they might have seen:
Now, like I said I wasn’t actually able to make it, but for these pictures I went to only one source. I didn’t hand pick these photos, these where the 3 of the 4 photos of, what I can only assume are “seasoned smokers”. I guess most of the other attendees might not have been thinking clear enough to notice, but I dont think most people want to end up like that. That is not to say everyone will, just pointing out if you want to end up like someone, do what they do.
Moving on, apparently Seattle has few, if any, pro Pot officials in elected positions. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why not. Lack of initiative? Lack of motivation? Lack of supporters able to remember to vote? Who knows?!? Now, it with over 100,000 people attending you would think all the pro cannabis proponents could have a large impact and be able to get quite a bit accomplished maybe we should ask this guy what he thinks:Maybe we'll get an answer when he's done.... but for now, I guess we will never know!
Well, don’t worry, I have marked my calendar for next years festival and I will make sure I don’t miss it! But for now, I can rest assured that with all that was set into action this weekend, next year Seattle will be a much “greener” city.
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