Time flys, and it seems as we get older time goes even faster. While we were wakeboarding yesterday Jens, who is 18, said "man im gettin old". Yeah, whatever. But if he is getting old, then the rest of us definitely have one foot in the grave. So, I got to thinking, what are some sure fire ways to tell for sure if we are getting old? Here is some ways to tell if you should put your cell phone on the pay-as-you-go plan!
10. You can’t drink your age in shots anymore. – Im not encouraging anyone to actually try this, Im just sayin, if you cant do it, your probably getting old.
9. You don’t recognize any of the cartoons on tv and find your self asking “what happened to all the good ones like when I was a kid?”
8. You realize most professional athletes are younger than you and that you never went pro.
7. You know what calories are and that they will affect your waste line.
6. Any reference to how cheap things use to be. “I remember when gas was 1.09! I could fill up for 15 bucks."
5. If you were around before common, everyday technologies. “We just got the internet at my house, 64K dial up! Its awesome!”
4. You have to explain things that you references to younger people. "That’s the 64,000 dollar question.” “whats the 64K dollar question?" “It’s a... egh, never mind.”
3. You refer to how long you have been doing something and its over a decade. Yeah, I started snowboarding a few years ago... well, I guess I was 17, so... 10 years ago?!?! Wait, that cant be right.
2. You can’t quite keep up with changing technology and terminology. “So, do you have a Spacebook account?” (Sorry mom!)
And the number one sign your getting old:
1. You some how manage to injure yourself while sleeping at night. "Oh, man, I woke up with the worst crick in my neck and my back is all sore. All I did was just lay in a bed, Im sore from sleep!”
9. You don’t recognize any of the cartoons on tv and find your self asking “what happened to all the good ones like when I was a kid?”
8. You realize most professional athletes are younger than you and that you never went pro.
7. You know what calories are and that they will affect your waste line.
6. Any reference to how cheap things use to be. “I remember when gas was 1.09! I could fill up for 15 bucks."
5. If you were around before common, everyday technologies. “We just got the internet at my house, 64K dial up! Its awesome!”
4. You have to explain things that you references to younger people. "That’s the 64,000 dollar question.” “whats the 64K dollar question?" “It’s a... egh, never mind.”
3. You refer to how long you have been doing something and its over a decade. Yeah, I started snowboarding a few years ago... well, I guess I was 17, so... 10 years ago?!?! Wait, that cant be right.
2. You can’t quite keep up with changing technology and terminology. “So, do you have a Spacebook account?” (Sorry mom!)
And the number one sign your getting old:
1. You some how manage to injure yourself while sleeping at night. "Oh, man, I woke up with the worst crick in my neck and my back is all sore. All I did was just lay in a bed, Im sore from sleep!”
Now that's distressing.. My vehicles over the past 10 years...
1969 Landcruiser FJ40
1999 Camaro Z-28
1984 Westfalia Vanagon
1979 Sears Free Spirit
Just Need the Wheelchair now!
m.matt, man, you are just checking them off one by one! Dont sell your self short though, you get a rascal before the wheelchair!
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