Ill be the first to admit a triple Grande 2% vanilla latte is great, my Saturday morning drink of choice, a double tall mocha. But does anyone drink coffee anymore?
Now im not talking about business plans or profit models here... just the concept that the worlds most dominate coffee company has ironically brought coffee consumption to a grinding halt. Convinced that we need a sophisticated concoction of flavors, shots, syrups and sweeteners, plain drip coffee has taken a back seat to the espresso propaganda.
Year after year growing up I would see my dad go off to work with a thermos filled to the brim with good old fashion Joe. “Room? Room for what? I got coffee, what else do I need?” For decades people would sit down for breakfast and enjoy a hot cup of coffee or fill a mug for the drive to work. Nothing fancy, just a plan, simple cup of java.
But times, they are achangin’. When was the last time you heard anyone say “coffee, black”? I know I for one, cant remember.
Now, Im not saying Starbucks is bad or the fancy drinks are evil... just because we have something newer, fancier, or more exciting don’t forget that sometime its nice to keep it simple. It really is ok to sit down and drink something out of a mug, not a paper to go cup… not on the drive to work, not as you rush to a meeting ... But sitting, relaxing, drinking a nice cup of all American fresh brewed coffee.
Yes, just coffee. No, its for here. Yes, that is all.

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