Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Game on!

Work has been really busy the past few days.... I have been sending out resumes like crazy. So, as you have noticed, no blogging! Don't worry (because I'm sure you really are) each day that goes by without deep insight full words of wisdom, gives me more time to ponder and eventually, when I do get back, make things all the more profound!

Anyway, speaking of resumes, that brings to mind school, and school of course mean Texas Tech....and Texas Tech football season is back on! I am gonna try to make it a point to watch more games this year. Not only because I am alumni (man, that still sounds so weird) but because they are awesome.... 500 + passing yards and hundreds of yards in rushing, you are guaranteed an action packed Saturday. And if they game isnt any good at least you can watch a drunk Mike Leech going for it on 4th and 25 in his own zone!
This week, its SMU at 6, Texas time on FSN, Guns Up!!!

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