Whats great about this camp is its is scalable too meet everyones fitness goal. There are a wide range of participants and abilities, so don't think it's too advanced to that you're too advanced!

This is a blog about life and what I have learned along the way. Mostly, its about things I notice or experiences I have had.
Thats Matt
And Ryan
and perhaps, the crowing achievemnt in facial hair history is the Friendly Mutton Chops:
Well done good sir, well done indeed.
This is Crossfit:
Link if video wont play
I have been doing the Crossfit workout for a week or two now and its awesome. Crossfit has been around for a long time, but its starting to get really popular and for good reason. These are the most challenging workouts I have ever done and I love 'em!
This video is from the 2008 Crossfit games... I cant wait for the whole movie!
I love the guy in the video who is throwin up and says "Im just going to have fun!!"
God Bless America
He does seem really interested to hear what she is saying about foreign oil... or maybe, and more likely, he is just checkin her out. Busted.
And of course Friday is "Black Friday". I think I am gonna ride down early grab some coffee and do some people watchin. I can only imagine how crazy downtown will be w/ all the shoppers subjecting themselves ridiculous amounts of hassle just to save that extra dollar. Funny thing is, now you can get the exact same deal online and usually get free shipping. No lines, no parking, no traffic jam... but for some reason, people want to "get" the deal, and so they will go, in mass to the malls, fighting each other with Thanksgiving in their hearts. It will be a good day to be on a bike weaving in and out of all the gridlocked the cars create!
ETC, ETC....
Everyone here got a good laugh when we got that email! Guess Ill be back monday, rested and ready to work! ha
Its 8:06 Friday morning, the week before thanksgiving. I have a feeling by the end of the day I will have notice that I, along w/ 3000 others, am being laid off.