Today I get to interview for my own job...
I think interviewing for a job you dont want is kind of like going out to eat at a restaurant you dont like. Or maybe its like having to wearing that sweater you got from grandma last Christmas every time you go visit. You do it because you have to, and it makes grandma happy, but if you had a choice you would just say forget it, I dont really want the sweater anyway. (except in this case the sweater pay my rent... so Im not sure what that really does to the example!)

Last week everyone in my group received an email asking if we would consider moving to Columbus, OH. Now, I dont think this was in any way, shape or form an actually invite or request to move. I think it was more of a strategic question by Chase to make everyone feel like they were actually being considered for retention or at the least for transition work. In reality, very few people if any, will be asked to move to Ohio. Also included in the email was a time to meet with someone from Chase to discuss our current role and responsibilities in and to evaluate what, if anything, needs to be transitioned.
So, I guess I will go in and talk about what I worked on over the past few months and hope that I get an offer to work through the transition. But in reality I think this is just like asking a prisoner if he has any last requests.... it doenst really matter what you say because the outcome has already been decided. And in keeping with the prisoner analogy, soon, very soon, they are going to throw the switch and it will all be over. The difference in this case though, I get to start again, a fresh start with a different company in, most likely, a totally different industry. Where as the prisoner, well, I guess its a good thing that is where the analogy ends!
So, maybe this interview is less of a death sentence and more of a pardon by the Governor. Oh! maybe they will send us all out to a nice steak house for our "last meal", but somehow really I doubt it.
Its funny how much the corporate world is exactly like the movie "Office Space"!

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