Thursday, November 6, 2008

Money for nothing and kicks for free

(ironically, that songs was sung by Dire Straights)

So, we have a new change in president.
Seattle, like Chicago, NY and San Fran, went pretty crazy. Here is a look at down town after the results came out:

Ya know, I really wonder how much things are going to Change. Im sure some stuff will slowly start to look different, but do people really believe that in the next short 4 years the entire United States is going to look, act, feel, and be totally different... Changed?
No way, things will be about the same as always. As they have been... and as they will continue to be. If people think one man, even the President, can change a whole country, ever.... they are wrong, and especially not in only a few years.

If you really want change its going to cost you something. Maybe money, maybe time, maybe lifestlye, comfort zone, hard work, or all of the above... but it will cost you. Are people willing to pay? Nope, I doubt it, actually, I know it. Everyone wants change and they want someone to give them that change. Change, as long as I dont have to pay for it. As long as I can keep doing things the way I want to do them.

"I want something for nothing... Oh, and I want it right now."

You got what you asked for... but is what you asked for what you really wanted?

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