Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Holiday Season is upon us

Enought about work already!
Thanksgiving is tomorrow! I think what I am most thankful for is getting not one, not two but three thanksgiving day dinners!!! Not all tomorrow, thank goodness. Over the past 2 weeks I have had two full on Turkey dinners and tomorrow will be the culmination of the Thanksgiving day dinners.

If you haven't heard, Sarah Palin pardoned a turkey last weekend. Unfortunately(for her), she proceeded to give an interview right in front the turkey slaughter stand.

Ha, Saturday Night Live couldn't have written a better script!

While Palin is talking about oil or something the guy in the background is jamming a turkey, head first into the "death chamber" where it appears he chops its head off. Here is the link to the video on Youtube.

He does seem really interested to hear what she is saying about foreign oil... or maybe, and more likely, he is just checkin her out. Busted.

And of course Friday is "Black Friday". I think I am gonna ride down early grab some coffee and do some people watchin. I can only imagine how crazy downtown will be w/ all the shoppers subjecting themselves ridiculous amounts of hassle just to save that extra dollar. Funny thing is, now you can get the exact same deal online and usually get free shipping. No lines, no parking, no traffic jam... but for some reason, people want to "get" the deal, and so they will go, in mass to the malls, fighting each other with Thanksgiving in their hearts. It will be a good day to be on a bike weaving in and out of all the gridlocked the cars create!

So, enjoy the food, the friends and family and the football. Oh, and of course the naps...

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