Now, the question, do I get deep and profound, pondering the meaning of life and what life is all about... or just cut another piece of cake, sit back and enjoy the day?
Here is all I got so far: how can you hit the target if you dont know where you're aiming? At the ripe old age of 28(28 on 28th, I think thats the golden birthday or something, so, all my gifts should be made of gold, just fyi) I realized that whatever it is your doing, you have to have a gold goal in mind. Where are you going... where am I going? Well, your not gonna get there unless you have a destination in mind.
I have this mental image of sitting in a car, driving around... for years... passing all kinds of places, stops, destinations... but still going aimlessly down the road. But, once you pick a point, a place, a stop or destination, its full speed ahead with a mission, a goal, a target!
So, dont take this to mean I have it all figured out, or that Im on my way to the perfect life thats just around the next bend... Im just sayin find a target and drive towards it, and who knows, maybe you'll see some cool stuff along the way.
Thats it, thats all.... time for cake, eat up and enjoy!
1 comment:
dude nice cake and speech. good lift today man! for an old guy you keeping up just fine, or is it me who is keeping up just fine? whatever, good hanging today!
happy birthday my friend, i remember that time in our life where "our little group" alway threw suprise parties for each other and amazingly alway got away with it also.
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