Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Workin for the (3 day) weekend....

There is nothing like a 3 day weekend to make you realize you don’t want to go back to work.

The name Labor Day is a bit ironic, considering is a day most people don’t have to go to work in honor of the holiday. I’d probably have called it “labor day off”, or simply “I aint goin day”.

When I worked in the Financial Center 3 day weekends were totally not worth it, especially when they fell the 1st or 15th. The day after the holiday everyone bombarded the branch with “urgent” banking needs. There would be a non-stop slew of people from the moment the doors opened till we locked up that night. Working in an office, it’s not so bad. In fact, no one seemed to miss a beat. Or maybe they did miss the beat, but no one really cared.

I am in favor of 4 day work weeks. I would put in an extra 2 hours a day to get a whole other day off. Think of all the stuff we could accomplish with an extra day off. So many times we are limited because of only having Saturday and Sunday… but with an extra day there is SO much more we could do.

3 day road trips
3 day camp outs
3 full days of snowboarding
3 full days on the lake
3 day home improvement projects
3 day get a ways
2 days of stuff and 1 day to recover
1 day to play really hard and 2 days to recover

As you can see, the list of possibilities is endless! Pretty much you can do anything you would have done with a 2 day weekend... AND MORE!
But until I can convince HR to implement a 4 day work week, here’s looking forward to Columbus Day, Oct. 13th!!!

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