Im not sure how Turkey, specifically, got to be the crux of Thanksgiving dinner but ya know, once I have had one Turkey dinner... I just want another one!
Last night I made my very own mini-Thanksgiving feast. That brings the grand total to 4, yes 4 turkey and stuffing, gut busting, over indulging Thanksgiving dinners. I think that’s quite an accomplishment, if I do say so myself. And that doesn’t even take into consideration leftovers. I would say I’m close to double digits if you count those.
I, personally, can’t figure out why Turkey is reserved for only Thanksgiving, and sometimes Christmas...Its an amazing food, delicious and nutritious. They are easy to make and when you consider how much meat one bird has they are totally cost effective. I made just the Turkey breast last night, I really wasn’t sure what size to get, but 5lb turned out to be more than enough for one person! I’ve got leftovers for the rest of the week. Which, is another wonderful thing about thanksgiving dinner. Cook once, eat for days!
I think that the “Thanksgiving dinner” is vastly under appreciated and quite limited by its title. I believe the name for Turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, fresh bread, green bean casserole, etc, etc, should be changed from Thanksgiving dinner to Holiday dinner or maybe Special Occasion dinner or something like that.

Instead of once or twice a year, it could be the traditional meal served at all major events! Thanksgiving of course, and then Christmas... what better way to say Happy Valentines that with a wonderful Special Occasion dinner! “Happy Birthday, here is your very own personal turkey and stuffing with all the fixin’s.”
And of course the 4th of July S.O. Dinner, what’s more patriotic than celebrating with the food our founding fathers ate? Nothing! As American as apple pie... I say as American as Turkey Dinner! It really is a meal fit for a King, well, actually I guess it would be a meal fit for an elected official, since the whole point of the 4th is getting rid of the monarchy!
I DO pledge allegiance to the flag of.... Sorry, lost my train of thought. Turkey, right?
Ok, so anyway, I am already looking forward to Christmas dinner in anticipation of the Special Occasion Feast, and if Im lucky, maybe I can even get another one on New Years day!
God Bless America