Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
But this addiction, it feels sooo good, it makes me happy, I need it to function. If I dont get it, I crave it, the longer I go, the worse the craving. My work day is based around when I have to get it and evenings revolves its schedule. I spend tons of money on it and when its gone, I have nothing left to show for all my time, money and effort, sometimes 3 times a day isnt enough.... and last night, I bought something that will only amplify this obsession.
My name is Corey and Im addicted to food, and last night I bought a Crock-pot.
OK, ok, so maybe food isnt a drug, per se, but if you think about the above statement, it definitely sounds like a drug. Well, anyway, I guess but if I had to pick, I think food could be my drug of choice. And my super power of choice.... the ability to shed calories faster than a speeding bullet, to consume whole meals in a single bound and not gain any weight! Flight, naa, you can keep that one, I want to eat all the doughnuts in the display case and not send myself into a sugar coma! To decimate the whole stock of cupcakes at Cupcake Royal and walk away with out type 2 diabetes.
Anyway, back to my point, I got a crock pot! Yes, it took me a while to get to it, I know. So, I still have to get some recipes and then make them, but oh man, its gonna be so awesome to have a hot, ready to go, fully prepared meal on hand as I walk through the door! Roast, Ribs, BBQ chicken, Cajun Chicken and Shrimp, well, you know, you can put pretty much anything in there and its going to be like a little slice of heaven. I cant decide what to make first... it was going to be pulled pork... but then I remembered roast w/ potatoes and carrots and onion... there are so many good choices, I am actually a little bit concerened about my welfare.
So, if you dont see me or hear from me for a while come check in on me, I could very well be in a food induced coma! Lets just hope my next stop isnt "The Biggest Looser".
and lastly, yes, I do remember this blog entry, dont worry, I can multi task!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Now, the question, do I get deep and profound, pondering the meaning of life and what life is all about... or just cut another piece of cake, sit back and enjoy the day?
Here is all I got so far: how can you hit the target if you dont know where you're aiming? At the ripe old age of 28(28 on 28th, I think thats the golden birthday or something, so, all my gifts should be made of gold, just fyi) I realized that whatever it is your doing, you have to have a gold goal in mind. Where are you going... where am I going? Well, your not gonna get there unless you have a destination in mind.
I have this mental image of sitting in a car, driving around... for years... passing all kinds of places, stops, destinations... but still going aimlessly down the road. But, once you pick a point, a place, a stop or destination, its full speed ahead with a mission, a goal, a target!
So, dont take this to mean I have it all figured out, or that Im on my way to the perfect life thats just around the next bend... Im just sayin find a target and drive towards it, and who knows, maybe you'll see some cool stuff along the way.
Thats it, thats all.... time for cake, eat up and enjoy!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Time to Trial

These guys put on a great race. There is nothing like flyin around the city on a cold sunny fall afternoon. The course was a short and friendly 14 miles with 4 easy to get to check points. This race was different than most because the stops were posted weeks before the race so everyone could get to know the course, then it was a time trial race with one rider leaving every 5 minuets, fastest time wins.
I would have done much better, had I not got caught at the University Bridge while it was up letting a sail boat pass...That pretty much killed my time adding a good 5 minuets.
Getting through the city on bike is by far the best way to see the city, the people and the scenery. It also gives you a true sense of what the city “feels” like. You really get to know the hills, the alleys, the back roads, short cuts, the timing of the lights going down Pike, 1st, 3rd and 5th, and of couse, the wind that seems to blow in both directions on the Elliot Bay Bike path along the waterfront!
Go play in traffic!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Long time, no see, write.... swim/bike/run
but anyway, in an attempt to overcome by slothfulness, I once again pick up the pen/keyboard. Motivation comes from Scott and his blog.
Scott and I started hanging out right after I moved to Seattle. One day he asked me if I had ever though about doing the STP (Seattle to Portland 200 mile bike ride). Having not even heard of it, I said "No, I have never thought about it, nor am I at all interested". A short, few months later, I decided to start training for the Federal Way sprint Triathlon and ask him if he would ever want to do a Tri, of course, he wasn't interested in that at all either. Well, its funny how things work out because a combine total of 3 STP's and 9 triathlons later we have come a long way in what we are doing and "tri-ing".
So, most recently, Scott asked if I wanted to do an Ironman Tri. Not that I don't want to, because I do, but not sure I would financially or physically be able, I had to say no. But determined to eventually enter and finsh and Ironman, I committed to a half Iron, aka 70.3 next summer. Determined to achieve his goal, Scott entered the 2009 Ironman Kentucky. (Side note, there are only 2 Ironmans in the US in 2009 and one of them is already sold out.) He created the blog to talk about the training he is doing to get ready. So as Scott takes on the challenge of a life time, its cool to see what he is doing physically, but even more interesting is to see the mental preparation he is facing. To see the obstacles and doubts that are there and how he faces them and overcomes them.
I have started working my way back into the training routine also. Scott and I train together quite a bit, which is great because there is strength in numbers, even if that number is only 2.
Right now my goal is the 70.3, but who knows.... maybe Ill be doing the full Iron sooner than planned. I mean, if being scared to fail is the only reason for not trying, wouldn't it be worse to not even try than to try and fail???